Tag Archives: painting

Xeranthemum annuum

Xeranthemun annuum Kars, Turkey 2009 by Tulay Yilmaz
Xeranthemum annuum
Kars, Turkey
by Tulay Yilmaz

I love the composition of this painting. Also the plant was so gracious and soft in colors that I enjoyed painting every bit of it. Composition is another important thing that needs to be taken care of properly. Otherwise, an unbalanced placing of different parts of the plant can cause an uncomfortable look even the painting is perfectly done.  I don’t have many paintings yet with compositions, but I am looking forward to come to that point soon enough.

Veronica gentianoides

Veronica gentianoides Kars, Turkey 2009 by Tulay Yilmaz
Veronica gentianoides
Kars, Turkey
by Tulay Yilmaz

I remember how I was zoned out while painting this one. It was late in the evening, I was listening to my music and painting at the same time, then my instructor came to check my painting. She compared the seeds of my picture to the real plant and said ‘Why they look like little hearts? Are you in love?’. And yeah, I was in a long distance relationship and it was so new that I was full of thoughts. It seems I was detached from real life for a while and transformed all the seeds to little love hearts in my la la land.

Crocus sp.

Crocus sp. Kars, Turkey 2008 by Tulay Yilmaz
Crocus sp.
Kars, Turkey
by Tulay Yilmaz

When this Crocus sp. came to our place for drawing, our instructor brought it to me for painting. I was quick enough to be able finish it before it died. It was my first white petal painting and it was a challenge because in our palette we don’t have white color. We only shade the darker areas and protect the white areas on the paper. I gave the shades a greyish color and left the rest white. Although the petals looked kind of dirty at the end, the bulb detail and the picture as a whole were satisfactory.

Eryngium billardieri

Eryngium billardieri Kars, Turkey 2008 by Tulay Yilmaz
Eryngium billardieri
Kars, Turkey
by Tulay Yilmaz


  Dried plants always catch my eye. I find them really beautiful when they lose their natural shine and become more dominant in pastel colors. Their morphology changes into fragile little sculptures by the loss of the water and the elasticity. I really enjoyed painting this one. Even though it looks like a colored pencil painting, it actually is a watercolor and I would love to paint a similar one again to see if I can make it look any better.



Welcome everyone!

I am a biology graduate and also have a master degree in molecular genetics. I am originally from Turkey but recently I left my country and started living in San Antonio, Texas. Just to stay sane, and be productive, and also to keep my passion alive for illustration, I decided to start this blog. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

P.S. Quality of the pictures may vary. However the ones I’m working on right now will be camera shots. Not the best way to release them, but this is the only technology I have now.

Feel free to comment and stay tuned!