Tag Archives: convolvulaceae

Tubular Flowers

Hello everyone,

Two days ago we had a huge storm in San Antonio. It was so strong that it shook the house. I love storms, especially in the comfort of a house but this one was a little bit extreme. Lightning and thunder was flying around. The best part about a storm or raining in such a hot climate is, you wake up to new flowers blooming in your garden the next day.

Yesterday I found a member of Convolvulaceae family creeping underneath the grasses. I believe it is called ‘Morning Glory’. When I saw it, I thought, ”Hmm tubular flower, how great to find you especially on these days that I don’t want to draw anything.” Tubular flowers can be really tricky, because you need to give the sense of depth.

I took the flower and drew it around 2.30 pm. Its petals were open. I looked at the flower and realized a star shape in it. You can see that distinct star shape from this lovely photo taken by Beto Frota, I found on Flickr;


This star shape helped me to follow the symmetry of the flower and made the drawing easier. Here how it looked when I was done;

Morning glory_Convolvulaceae_Graphite
Morning glory_Convolvulaceae_Graphite

In the evening I saw its petals were closed, so I also drew it that way too;

Morning glory_Convolvulaceae_Graphite
Morning glory_Convolvulaceae_Graphite

I also found some old paintings that I did with purple Hyacinth. They are also tubular;

Hyacinth_Watercolor_Tubular flower

ssaAs you can see in all these three drawings, darkening the center of the flower has a great importance to give the depth to the flower. If you want to challenge yourself, you should try to draw a tubular structure as well.

Yesterday I went to library and got a book named ‘Painting flowers in watercolor’ by Coral G. Guest. I looked through the pictures yesterday and was surprised to see despite the fact that the drawings were not that detailed, the painting turned out amazing. I can’t wait to read the tricks. If I feel convinced, I will try it and share here.

Have a nice day guys!