Tag Archives: bearded reedling

Bearded Reedling

Bearded reedling, Panurus biarmicus, male Watercolor, 2010 Tulay Yilmaz
Bearded reedling,
Panurus biarmicus, male
Watercolor, 2010
Tulay Yilmaz

Hello everyone,

Say hello to my birdie. It is bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus), adult male. I truly don’t remember what was the exact date that I painted this but what I know for sure is, this was my first bird painting. I assume I did it in 2010 and on those days I had an idea that I can paint for bird guides (yeah, a biologist in dreams). It never happened though!

What I learned from this painting was paintingĀ fur is not easy, especially where the fur is white. There should be some techniques to make it easier but I am not aware of it. Second thing I learned was it is important to date your work, then you can see your progress. Third thing is don’tĀ leave your artwork in the mess of your table or you end up having dust and stains on them. They don’t need to be a masterpiece to deserve the respect. File them properly!

My bearded reedling has some funny wings, shading is not that great but still I like it. It looks promising, isn’t it?