

My illustration journey began by attending a beginner level, scientific botanical illustration course funded by The Christensen Foundation in cooperation with Stanford University and Kafkas University in 2008. After realizing my natural talent and pace in painting, I decided to attend similar courses given by my extremely talented and kind instructor, Gulnur Eksi.  As a great botanical artist, she has always been supportive and feeling her support was a privilege. All the courses were given in watercolor technique and were 15 days in duration. As a biology graduate, I always felt inspired being surrounded by the scientific and artistic sides of scientific illustration.

This blog will serve to keep a track on my progress in years and encourage me to paint/draw more. I take myself as a dedicated amateur and I still have much to learn. Feel free to join the blog, criticize, and share your ideas.

You don’t need to read the whole blog if you are interested in only one type of media. Help yourself to find the category on the right side of the page by ‘Categories’ section.

With love,


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello again, as mentioned in my comment on your post, I would like larger pictures. It would also be wonderful if you had the opportunity to take pictures of the process. I can certainly learn from you 🙂

  2. I’m hoping to come to that ‘sharing the process’ level at some point but I don’t promise it will be soon. I need some time to learn blogging, taking the pictures of the paintings properly and the most importantly I need to feel confident about my drawing and painting. But don’t worry, you’ll still be learning things. Stay tuned!

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