Scarlet globemallow

Hello everyone,

Spring is coming… I am so excited. It is my best season. I love seeing all the flowers emerging from the soil, so green, so fresh, and so full of life. In Texas, some of the flowers already bloomed because of the confusing hot and cold weather, but this year will be crazy for wild flowers because precipitation rate was high and it seems it always rained on the right time.

Today I will share one of my quick paintings. I was so lazy that I didn’t even clean my palette while mixing the colors on it. I added on top of each other. You can see in the painting how dirty the colors looked instead of being bright.

Sphaeralcea coccinea_Scarlet globemallow_Watercolor_Tulay Yilmaz_2014
Sphaeralcea coccinea_Scarlet globemallow_Watercolor_Tulay Yilmaz_2014

I couldn’t scan this one, so I am sharing a photo of it.

I am not really proud of my dirty colors, but I like the harmony of the flowers on the paper. There is a movement in the composition.

This is probably my only panting that I painted the same flower from different angels onto same paper.

I hope you liked it. Please leave a comment and have a great weekend!!!