
Hello everyone!

Today is another day for sharing one of my old paintings. I did this a few years ago. I remember a friend of mine commented on this ‘This thing is more walnut looking than a walnut!’ which was so sweet.

While I was working on this piece, I was scared of darkening the shadows. When I was done, it was looking a lot more lighter, but my instructor warned me to darken the shadows and told me not to be scared. So I did what she said, and walnut turned into 3D all of a sudden.

Walnut_Watercolor_Graphite_2011_Tulay Yilmaz
Walnut_Watercolor_Graphite_Tulay Yilmaz_2011

I think what makes a painting the most realistic are the right application of the shadows and finding the right colors to paint. 

I hope you like this painting. 

Walnut is one of my favorite nuts by the way. I can crack and eat a huge bag of fresh walnut without even care a bit that it is coloring my fingers green. It is sooo yummy!

I am kind of busy on these days, I couldn’t work with watercolor pencils lately. Whenever I find time, I want to work on new pieces and share my thoughts about watercolor pencils. 

Until then, take care guys!